A "tax receipt" that outlines where your money is going:
Some quibbles.
. The ATO hasn't used that logo for years. It was the Coalition that stopped it.
. Listing $80,000,000,000 of government net debt is fine, but why not also list government assets?
. Why not do it as net government debt per taxpayer, a lesser sounding $6350?
. Or as net government debt per person - $3640 ?
It is however, a seriously good idea.
UPDATE: It's not an original idea. HT Joshua Gans
UPDATE 2: It already exisits and has been done better. Grog's Gaumut points to the brilliant www.taxcheck.com.au:
Check it out. It would have even greater value if it was part of the tax process.
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. A healthy appetite for higher tax
. Debtwatch: How things change
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