Actually it doesn't even mention the NBN, but that's the impression you are meant to get..
Minister for Broadband, communications and the digital economy
Senator Stephen Conroy, Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy said a new report by Access Economics estimated the benefits of telehealth to Australia could be between $2 billion and $4 billion a year.
The report, Financial and externality impacts of high speed broadband for telehealth, found telehealth offers the potential for significant benefits to Australia’s population, especially for people who are elderly or who live in rural or remote communities.
“Telehealth including online consultations, electronic health records, in-home care, and online health education will not only open up new possibilities in health care delivery, but will have significant savings on the health budget,” said Senator Conroy.
The report found one of the reasons telehealth in Australia has been held back is the lack of high-speed broadband, particularly in rural areas.
The report noted that even where high-speed broadband was available, it often had slow upload speeds and reliability could be patchy.
“The National Broadband Network will fix these issues once and for all,” Senator Conroy said...
Telehealth Final Report
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