Sunday, January 03, 2010
My most popular posts in 2009
Not necessarily my top ten, but the ones you selected with your clicks:
1. So, who exactly is Andrew Charlton?
2. SATURDAY INSIGHT: Our problems are worse - much worse
3. The letter that leaves Turnbull naked
4. What if Joe Hockey is Julie Bishop in new clothes?
5. Recession: Access Economics breaks the dam
6. Could Australia's unemployment rate hit 10 per cent?
7. Why not axe dividend imputation? Henry gets serious.
8. The ABS busts a new urban myth
9. IT'S FAILED! The Senate has just rejected the stimulus package
10. Enjoying the ride?
Oh, and still very popular from earlier years:
1. Tuesday column: Births, conceptions and deaths. Money changes everything.
2. Rory Robertson vs Steve Keen
3. Lehman and AIG - What happened?
4. The Prime Minister's gripping, well-judged Sorry speech
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