Six months in a leaky caucus #respillsongs
Still haven't found who I'm voting for #respillsongs
Rudd on the tracks - Bob Dylan #respillsongs
Tears in Kevin - Eric Clapton #respillsongs
Monday Ruddy Monday #respillsongs
Manic Monday. #respillsongs
"I see Rudd" #respillsongs
Down Among the Dead Men #respillsongs
I can get no (satis)factions #respillsongs
Peter Garrett serenades Caucus with "Short Memory" #respillsongs
You're so vain, you probably think this party's about you, don't you.@latikambourke #respillsongs
No Joy Division here "Rudd will tear us apart..." #respillsongs
"Rudd, Rudd Whine" #respillsongs
Am I ever gonna see you face again #respillsongs
(Tell me why) I don't like Monday's #respillsongs
I will come for you at night time (Washington Time) #respillsongs
The fool on the hill #respillsongs
Julia's got a gun #respillsongs
Murder on the Caucus Floor #respillsongs
Can you Feel the Knives Tonight #respillsongs
Don't Cry For Me Albanese #respillsongs
Dancing Crean #respillsongs
"Do you really want to usurp me?" #respillsongs
Against All Odds #respillsongs
While My Electorate Gently Weeps #respillsongs
"Imagine there's no Kevin" #respillsongs
Apocolypse Now - The full soundtrack #respillsongs