Malcolm Turnbull's private members bill is so reasonable it might just get up.
"The Coalition Joint Party Room today agreed to support a Private Members Bill – the National Broadband Network Financial Transparency Bill 2010 – which will bring the Government to account over its $43 billion NBN project.
A notice of motion for the Bill will be tabled by the Shadow Minister for Communications and Broadband Malcolm Turnbull.
The Bill would require NBN Co, the Commonwealth-owned company that is rolling out the NBN, to produce and publish a detailed 10-year business plan, including key financial and operational indicators.
It also requires the Productivity Commission to conduct a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of the NBN and report back to Parliament by 31 May 2011.
The Productivity Commission inquiry will include:
• Analysis of the current availability of broadband across Australia, including the identification of suburbs and regions where services are of a lower standard or higher price than in the capital cities;
• Consideration of the most cost-effective and speedy options by which fast broadband services can be made available to all Australians (particularly those in regional and remote areas and underserved metropolitan areas).
• Consideration of the economic, productivity and social benefits likely to flow from enhanced broadband around Australia, and the applications likely to be used over such networks.
• A full and transparent economic and financial assessment of the proposed NBN.
An associated motion to be moved by Mr. Turnbull will create a Joint Select Committee drawn from both Houses to oversee the rollout of the NBN. The proposed Committee would include Government, Opposition and cross-bench Members and Senators.
The Coalition will be seeking Government and cross-bench support for the Private Members Bill and Motion in both houses."
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