Wednesday, December 26, 2012
My twelve most read in 2012
Happy reading
1 Mining boom? Not compared to what's to come
2 Labor is wrong. It is the Greens who are mainstream
3 Why we need a carbon tax, by the Coalition's environment spokesman
4 How bad are Australia's unemployment benefits? Bad and getting worse.
5 Truth time. How much has the great big new tax pushed up the cost of living?
6 Why is Gina importing workers direct? Because we won't go there
7 Wrong, wrong, wrong: Gillard, Hockey, Robb
8 Labor's Education Tax Rebate, a bad program buried
9 Remember the census? It's about to change, big-time
10 Earth to Australia - the party's over, you've had time to prepare
11 Joe Hockey defends the culture of entitlement, which he opposes
12 NDIS. Labor is poised for greatness.
And happy 2013!
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