New Bureau of Statistics figures show Western Australia by far the best place to look for work with just 1.7 unemployed locals for each vacant job in May - a ratio that means anyone looking for a job has a better than even chance of getting one.
By contrast in NSW there were roughly four unemployed locals fighting for each vacant job, in Victoria five, and in Tasmania almost eight - a ratio that made finding a job unlikely.
So large has the pool of unfilled jobs in Western Australia grown it is now almost as big in Victoria, a state with twice the population. Queensland now has more unfilled jobs than Victoria and almost as many as NSW.
But although Australia’s mining states have by far the best employment markets, comparatively few of Australia’s 172,000 vacant jobs jobs are in mining itself... The ABS reports 9600 unfilled jobs in mining, 12,000 in manufacturing, 13,000 in health care and social assistance, 14,000 in retail and 18,000 in administrative and support services.
Two fields related to mining report big demand for workers. The construction industry is attempting to fill 20,000 vacancies and the scientific and technical services industries another 20,000.
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