If they are about climate change
Michael Caton is seething inside his two bedroom Sydney flat.
“I have a gas heater and two fans - that is me,” he told the Herald after reading the pro carbon tax advertisement in which he features rubbished because it also features a multi-millionaire, the more famous actress Cate Blanchett.
Like Blanchett, the star of the The Castle and Packed to the Rafters agreed to front the ads for free. They will air for a week as part of campaign that cost a coalition of groups including the Australian Conservation Foundation and the Council of Trades Unions around one million dollars.
“I did it because I think Australia can make a difference. We were the first to give women the vote, we were the first to come up with the conciliation and arbitration commission, we developed the cochlear ear implant, but we’ve been becoming timid.”
“And look what happened. Cate Blanchett appears in an ad and gets her head kicked for being a rich bitch.”
“Can I be ironic? Cate Blanchett is in favour of the carbon tax because she is rich... Malcolm Turnbull is in favour of an emissions trading scheme because he is rich, Kevin Rudd is in favour of one because he has a rich wife - it’s a conspiracy. Apparently rich people aren’t entitled to express a view unless they are billionaires complaining about a mining tax.”
News Limited papers yesterday attacked Ms Blanchett for self indulgently campaigning for a tax she would find it easy to pay.
Coalition Senator Barnaby Joyce yesterday backed away from quoted remarks attacking Ms Blanchett saying he hadn’t seen the ad when he was asked for his opinion and now thought the only problem with it was that it was not labelled political advertising.
Ms Blanchett is overseas and did not want to comment.
Mr Caton said he wasn’t in her league financially and would probably would feel the tax. “I’m doing well at the moment but actors have ups and downs. I’ve been a bouncer, a nightwatchman, I’ve worked at a carwash, before The Castle came along I was painting houses. Electricity prices are going up anyway. If this helps it’ll worth the extra cost.”
Another participant in the advertisement, Ryde mother of three Lilia Bazzi says she agreed to take part because she became enraged by radio shock jocks while at home caring for her 21 month old daughter.
“It was angry fearful rhetoric playing on people's fears, and I’m sitting at home thinking these people don’t care about our kids,” she told the Herald.
“I come from Sydney’s south west. I am not rich enough not to feel the carbon tax, but I know it’s important.”
As part of the campaign 140 Australian leaders and community groups have signed an open letter published today pledging their support for a carbon tax.
Published in today's SMH and Age
Tom Arup in The National Times: Who knew Cate Blanchett was so wicked?
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