Thursday, March 03, 2011

Has someone infiltrated Bronwyn Bishop's email account?

Are they sending silly emails on her behalf?

The Hon Bronwyn Bishop MP

Shadow Special Minister of State

3 March 2011

Labor banking on votes from serious criminals

The Gillard Labor Governments performance today in passing legislation allowing serious criminals to vote, shows that they are willing to take votes from anyone, Shadow Special Minister of State, Bronwyn Bishop said today.

“Labor has taken the extraordinary step of allowing serious criminals the right to vote at Federal Elections, which demonstrates that this Government is so unpopular and desperate that they need to take the votes of serious convicted criminals to try and cling to power”, Mrs Bishop said.

This legislation will allow some of the country’s most violent and despicable criminals the right to vote, criminals including a man convicted and goaled for aggravated burglary, false imprisonment, armed robbery and theft, for tying his victim with an electrical cord, doused with kerosene, forced to eat dog food and hit over the head with a broom handle, before being robbed.

It will also see a criminal who was sentenced to two years for possessing, accessing and transmitting child pornography able to vote, even though his charges related to more that 10,000 images and 250 videos.

This legislation which allows criminals serving custodial sentences of less than three years the ability to vote such as a teacher who sexually abused three young boys at school on camping trips in Western Australia. This teacher was sentenced to two and a half years for indecent dealings in which he lured a child into his martial arts block office, got the boy to strip down so he could indecently assault him. The boy was also assaulted in a tent on a camping trip during which the teacher was the only adult present. The teacher also assaulted two other boys, aged under 14 while on school camping trips.

“It is a sad day when a Government legislates to give certain criminals the same rights as law abiding citizens in order to gain votes for themselves”.