The Inspector General of Taxation has completed his investigation of the troubled ATO computer system that earlier this year delayed up to one million returns and sent out refund letters without cheques.
Ali Noroozi delivered the report on the ATO change program to Assistant Treasurer Bill Shorten on Friday. The Minister has 25 parliamentary sitting days in which to release it.
Mr Norozzi received more than 90 submissions, many of them strictly confidential.
Although he can't talk about his findings until the report is released he is appealing to the public for new ideas about future investigations...
He wants suggestions by February 28 which he will use to draft his work program for 2011 and beyond.
"I am seeking the broadest engagement practicable," he told The Age. "I will consider all issues raised and review matters with the most potential for making the tax administration system fairer, simpler, more transparent, or more efficient."
Ideas already under consideration include Project Wickenby, the management of transfer pricing disputes and funding for test cases.
Already well advanced is planning for investigations into the ATO's treatment of small and medium sized enterprises and high wealth individuals.
Published in today's Age
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