Monday, September 28, 2009

Glenn Stevens fronts the Senators 9.15 am

"The reason why I wanted the head of the Reserve Bank at the Senate inquiry was because the Reserve Bank governor is the only person who can answer the billion dollar question that all Australians want answered, whether ongoing stimulus spending will drive up interest rates."

- Steve Fielding

Well, here's Stevens answer- in his Opening Statement, just out:

"In due course, both fiscal and monetary support will need to be unwound as private
demand increases. In the case of the fiscal measures, this was built into their design. The peak effect of these measures on the rate of growth of demand has probably already passed."

9:15am – 10:55am

Reserve Bank of Australia
Mr Glenn Stevens, Governor

11:00am – 11:45am

Australian Office of Financial Management
Mr Neil Hyden, Chief Executive Officer
Mr Andrew Johnson, Head of Compliance and Reporting

11:45am – 12:30pm

Mr Rory Robertson
Macquarie Bank

1:00pm – 1:45pm

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Mr Greg Evans, Director of Economics and Industry Policy

1:45pm – 2:30pm

Australian Industry Group
Dr Peter Burn, Associate Director (Public Policy)
Mr Anthony Melville, Director Public Affairs and Government Relations

