RUDD: Hey, I can drive. It’s a free country. Since Saturday it still is. Why did I drive to work? I wanted to take Marcus, my son, to school. So, I drove him to school. I dropped Therese at the office and then came in here.
JOURNALIST: Do you think that your life is going change dramatically now?
RUDD: No. I’m still Kevin, still from Queensland.
JOURNALIST: Still here to help?
RUDD: Still here to help. No, I wanted to take Marcus to school. I was trying to do it yesterday and it didn’t quite work out. Have you ever tried getting a 14 year old out of bed in the morning on time?
JOURNALIST: How did his school friends respond to the concept of the Prime Minister-elect rolling up at school?
RUDD: I, just as most of the other parents, let him out of the car door, gave him a kiss on the head and off he went.