Whitlam's critics say he wasn't an economist, but he was entitled to believe he didn't need to be. Aside from a brief recession at the start of the 1960s Australia had just experienced more than two decades of extraordinary economic growth. By today's standards unemployment didn't exist. He inherited a rate of 1.9 per cent.
And contrary to image of a radical overturning the established order he was more than happy to take advice from the Treasury. He revalued the dollar, twice, at its insistence. At one stage it hit $US1.49 as his officials fought a losing battle to contain imported inflation. On the advice of another panel of experts he cut tariffs by 25 per cent overnight, sweeping away decades of industry protection and earning him the title of the first prime minister to open up the economy, a decade ahead of Bob Hawke.
The son of a Commonwealth Solicitor General, Whitlam understood the role of the public service and believed in seeking its advice. Assessing Whitlam in his book Exit Full Employment economist Barry Hughes says he treated economics like treated dentistry.
"It could be important when a painful problem arose, but it was very boring. The best course was to call in the technicians, who, once they had convinced him of the appropriateness of their suggestions, should be given the chance to fix things as soon as the constraints of government allowed."
Naturally, he spent big. He had come into office with a program that demanded it, but he made sure most of the spending was covered by revenue, running budget deficits that seem tiny by today's standards, peaking at 1.9 per cent of GDP.
And he supported big wage rises to compensate for ballooning inflation, intervening before the Arbitration Commission to push for awards that were then made bigger by firms such as BHP desperate to attract workers. By mid 1975 inflation hit 17.6 per cent and wage rises hit 32.9 per cent.
When the Treasury decided on a "short sharp shock" to contain inflation Whitlam backed it until he was overruled by his Cabinet and seemed to lose interest. Now on the outer, Treasury leaked against the government and was excluded from its unconventional attempts to raise finance.
But the Reserve Bank imposed a credit squeeze anyway pushing unemployment up to an at-the-time unthinkable rate of 5.4 per cent. The Treasury regained Whitlam's ear at the end producing a budget implemented in its entirety by Malcolm Fraser as prime minister after he blocked it in 1975 in order to force an election.
In The Age and Sydney Morning Herald