Buried within this week's landmark Productivity Commission report on copyright and patents is seething resentment at the way Australia has negotiated trade agreements.
In one of his last acts as treasurer Joe Hockey referred the topics to the Productivity Commission after his colleague, Attorney-General George Brandis sat on the recommendations of an Australian Law Reform Commission report for 18 months rather than free-up copyright as it wanted. It's now been two years, and one of the new excuses is that the inquiry Hockey started is re-examining the question.
The Law Reform Commission wanted to allow "fair use" as happens in the United States. It would mean, for example that the legendary Australian band Men at Work would have been able to include a musical phrase from the ditty Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree in their 1981 hit Land Down Under without being forced to pay damages for copyright infringement in a battle whose aftermath claimed the life of Down Under's composer Greg Ham. Sampling, referencing, making audio copies of books for the visually impaired; all of this would have been regarded as "fair" so long as it didn't unreasonably harm the interests of the copyright owner.
The Productivity Commission took that as a starting point and went further. It wants to define the use of "orphan works" as fair. These are books or photographs or pieces of music for which no one can find the copyright owners, something that's become more and more of a problem as the length of the copyright terms has grown. Right now it's legally risky to assume things are OK, even for libraries wanting to digitise ancient documents. Their lawyers tell them not to take the risk. And the commission wants it to be fair to publish works that copyright owner won't bother to publish or won't allow anyone else to publish.
The overriding consideration would be whether or not the use does any harm.
As the commission puts it: "The key question is whether transformative works have any appreciable impacts on the demand for, and creation of, the original material. If they do not, then there are few grounds for regarding the use of the original material as an infringement."
It's a principles-based rather than a black letter law based approach of the kind favoured by Senator Brandis whose main contributions to copyright law have been to crack down on infringers. The commission derides such tactics as ineffective, noting that the easiest way to wind back illegal downloading would be for the makers of movies and television programs to make them easy to watch legally. To that end it wants the Australian government to legislate to put beyond doubt the legality of breaking geoblocks. And it wants the import of books to be free, something the Australian Society of Authors says will "essentially dismantle the concept of territorial copyright".
What it wanted to do was to wind back Australia's 120 years plus copyright terms. It reckons 15 to 25 years is all that's needed. It says the average commercial life of a book is 1.4 to 5 years. Beyond that, the harm copyright does by locking things up outweighs any conceivable benefit to the authors in extra income. But it couldn't. Australia's trade agreement with the US prevents Australia backsliding, as do the new agreements with Korea and Singapore and the upcoming Trans-Pacific Partnership. It says the Australian government shouldn't have made the commitments on copyright without first assessing the costs and benefits. It wants Australia to try and unpick those deals, something it acknowledges is next to impossible.
In The Age and Sydney Morning Herald