The latest financial accounts from the Bureau of Statistics show per capita wealth slid 2 per cent over the year to June and 11 per cent over five years to June, all because of falling share prices.
The rout has since been reversed. Share prices have climbed 6 per cent since the start of July. But the uneven performance of the sharemarket has encouraged Australians to park more of their savings in cash and park more in the bank than ever before.
Households held a record $726.6 billion in cash and deposits at the end of June, accounting for 23.7 per cent of their financial assets - up from 21.9 per cent a year before.
“It’s a safe haven approach, a knee jerk reaction to uncertainty,” says Commonwealth Securities chief economist Craig James.
“It gets down to confidence. People know about what been happening in Europe, they know about the United States, and they know about China. So with deposit rates so high why wouldn't you be putting anything extra you had into term deposits?”
It’s not only households. The ABS figures show superannuation funds had 15.9 per cent of their assets stored in cash at deposits at the end of June - the highest proportion on record and roughly double the long-term average of 8.5 per cent...
Private non-financial companies had a near-record 45.4 per cent of their financial assets stored in cash and deposits, well above the long run average of 39 per cent.
Foreigners have been buying shares where Australians have not, lifting their ownership of the Australian share market to 47.2 per cent, the highest stake in 20 years. Foreign holdings of Australian government bonds eased back to 78.2 per cent from the record 79.8 per cent in March.
Per capita net financial wealth slipped from $65,044 to $63,675 over the financial year, despite increased saving. The figure excludes wealth held in the form of real estate
but is weighed down by loans secured against real estate.
“What’s encouraging for people who are paying off their own homes is that home prices went up in September, and that the share market has been climbing. Household wealth could pick up,” Mr James said.
“And time cures all ills. If we get some good news out of the United States and out of China and if people don’t focus so much on Europe and if the Australian economy continues to track along nicely people might start to feel wealthy again and put more of their money back to the share market.”
In today's Age
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