Just out.
No April Fool.
"Malcolm Turnbull was an energetic and highly intelligent Parliamentary Secretary, Cabinet Minister and Opposition Leader. In his relatively brief parliamentary career he made a big impact. He was a dedicated and innovative Environment and Water Minister. I particularly recall his constructive work with me late in 2006 when we put together the Murray Darling rescue plan. That plan had the ingredients of a lasting solution to the problems of the Murray Darling river system. It was regrettable that all of the states did not fully cooperate to implement the plan.
Malcolm Turnbull had strong views which he was never reluctant to advocate. I am glad that he entered federal politics. He made a strong contribution to Cabinet and I enjoyed working with him in government. He will be a loss to the Parliamentary Liberal Party. Whilst I am sorry that he is leaving parliament I understand his reasons. Janette and I wish Malcolm and Lucy good health and good fortune in the years ahead."
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